Unveil Love’s Paradox: Passion & Security in Harmony

by | Authentic Living, relationship, relationship with self, self love

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The Relationship Paradox Solved: How I Found Both Excitement and Comfort in Love

Passion and security—two elements that seem to contradict each other in relationships. Do you chase the thrill of excitement or prioritize the comfort of safety? What if you didn’t have to choose? What if you could have both?

Let’s explore the relationship paradox and how you can create a love that’s both exciting and secure. If you’d like to learn more, check out the full podcast episode, The Relationship Paradox Solved: How I Found Both Excitement and Comfort in Love.


The Paradox of Passion and Security

Many of us grew up believing that commitment dulls passion—that over time, relationships naturally lose their spark. But as I’ve learned in my own journey, this belief is a limiting one. Life isn’t black and white, especially when it comes to relationships.

What if you could experience both security and those butterflies? Well, I’m here to tell you that not only is it possible, it’s actually quite achievable if you’re willing to create it for yourself.

The truth is, you don’t have to choose between passion and safety. You can have both.


Shifting from Either/Or to Both/And Thinking

The key to solving the relationship paradox lies in shifting your mindset. Instead of thinking in terms of either/or (e.g., either passion or security), try embracing both/and thinking.

Replace limiting either/or thinking, such as black or white, right or wrong, good or bad, with both/and thinking, which means black and white and everything in between—the full spectrum. Freedom comes when you expand your viewpoint.

This shift allows you to hold space for duality—for the idea that you can have both excitement and comfort, thrill and stability, in your relationship.


The Foundation: Your Relationship with Yourself

The journey to a fulfilling relationship begins with you. The relationship that you have with yourself is the foundation for all of the relationships. And when you’re solid with yourself, you’ll be solid with others too.

Self-love isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the key to unlocking the relationship of your dreams. When you prioritize your own well-being, you’re better equipped to show up authentically in your relationships. And authenticity? That’s where the magic happens.


Creating Connection: Safety and Passion

Once you’ve built a strong connection with yourself, it’s time to nurture the connection with your partner. This means creating intentional space for both emotional safety and passion.

Be intentional about creating safety and connection, and it will be so. And I’ll tell you what, nothing lights the fire of passion like feeling truly loved and accepted as you are.

Here’s how to start:

  1. Quality Time: Spend time together free from distractions. This doesn’t always mean deep conversations—it could be as simple as enjoying each other’s presence.
  2. Communication: Find ways to communicate where both of you feel seen and heard. Plenty of communication can absolutely occur without any words.
  3. Intimacy: Prioritize physical and emotional intimacy. Feeling loved and accepted fuels passion like nothing else.

Are You Willing to Experience More?

Here’s a question to ask yourself: Are you willing to experience more in your relationship? More love, more passion and commitment at the same time? If the answer is yes, then you’re ready to embrace the paradox and create a relationship that’s both exciting and secure.

Remember, what you tolerate sets your standard. And so even if you’re unhappy now, you always have the power to create a new reality. It is all up to you.


Embrace the Paradox

Here’s how to start embracing the paradox in your own relationship:

  1. Reflect: Where in your relationship do you feel torn between passion and security? Are there areas where you’ve been settling for less than you deserve?
  2. Shift Your Mindset: Practice both/and thinking. Instead of seeing passion and security as opposites, explore how they can coexist.
  3. Take Action: Choose one small way to nurture both excitement and safety in your relationship. It could be planning a spontaneous date night or having a heartfelt conversation about your needs.


Let’s Keep the Conversation Going

What resonated with you in this post? Have you struggled with the relationship paradox, or have you found ways to balance passion and security in your own love life? I’d love to hear your thoughts—drop a comment below and let’s keep the conversation going.

Don’t forget to subscribe to Create Your Happy on your favourite podcast player, and grab your copy of my book Love, Unstuck for more empowering tools and insights.

Remember, love doesn’t have to be an either/or choice. You can have both excitement and comfort, passion and security. It’s time to stop settling for less and start creating the love you truly deserve.

I love you! Now let’s go do some epic shit, shall we?

Christy xo


Tune into the full episode here:

Additional Resources

Love Reimagined Mini Course: Lean into the relationship paradox with ‘Love Reimagined.’ This course guides you through the dance of maintaining both excitement and stability in your relationship, turning the paradox into your personal love story. Register for this transformative program here.

Ebook “Relationship Cheat Codes: A Guide to Nurturing Love and Connection”: Master the art of balancing passion and security with ‘Relationship Cheat Codes.’ Uncover the paradoxical secrets to a love that’s both thrilling and comforting, reshaping your romantic journey with every page. Get your ebook for free here.

Find your f*cking ZEN in under 5 minutes! 🧘‍♀️ Check out these FREE unique, no-BS meditations that are as fun as they are effective. Tap into your inner calm today! 

Unstuck for Women Daily Self Discovery Journal: This journal is your roadmap to self acceptance, a crucial step in finding a relationship that truly honours you. Get yours now!

Additional resources and offerings


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Listen/ Watch

S3E10 | The Relationship Paradox Solved: How I Found Both Excitement and Comfort in Love

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Hi! I’m Christy…

AKA The Happiness Hussy

As the one and only Happiness Hussy and Love Guide (Mentor) for living your best life, my focus is on helping you to find the truth and love within in order to consciously create the happy life, love and legacy that you desire and deserve!

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