Release Grudges: 3 Powerful Techniques to Find Freedom & Peace

by | Authentic Living, boundaries, communication, people pleasing, relationship, relationship with self, self love, stress

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Let that Shit Go: Three Powerful Techniques to Release Grudges

Let’s talk about something that’s probably weighing on you more than you realize: grudges. Yep, those sneaky little emotional anchors that keep us tied to past hurts, replaying old stories, and robbing us of the joy and freedom we deserve.

In this post we will explore just how holding onto resentment perpetuates our own suffering and keeps us stuck in cycles of anger and pain. But here’s the good news: you have the power to break free. I’ll be sharing three simple, actionable steps to help you release that heavy energy and step into the lightness of the present moment.

Ready to shake it off? Let’s go!


Why Grudges Hold Us Back

Holding a grudge isn’t just about being mad at someone else—it’s about keeping your energy focused on the pain and the problem. And guess what? That shit festers. It binds us to the past, trapping us in a cycle of anger and resentment that often causes more suffering than the original hurt itself.

But here’s the truth: the past is over. The future is just a story we tell ourselves. The only place we can truly experience freedom is in the now. And that’s where we’re going to focus.


Step 1: Shake It Off (Literally)

Let’s start with something super simple but incredibly effective: shaking it off. Yes, like Taylor Swift, but with a little more intention.

Here’s how it works:

  • Stand up (if you can) and take a deep breath.
  • Start shaking your limbs vigorously, letting go of tension with each shake.
  • Imagine dropping bits of your grudge onto the floor, shaking off the weight of everything that’s been holding you back.

Just like your cat or dog shakes to release excess energy after being overstimulated, this quick hack helps you let go of energy that’s no longer serving you. It creates space for conscious creation and intentional action. So, channel your inner T-Swizzle and shake it off.


Step 2: Ho’oponopono—The Ancient Practice of Forgiveness

If you’ve never heard of Ho’oponopono, you’re in for a treat. This ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness is a game-changer. It’s all about repeating four simple phrases:

  1. I love you.
  2. I’m sorry.
  3. Please forgive me.
  4. Thank you.

These words have the power to cleanse past hurts and restore emotional balance—even if you’re saying them to yourself. I love incorporating this practice into my teachings because it’s such a beautiful way to cultivate self-love and compassion. And when you start forgiving yourself, that compassion naturally overflows to others.

Try it right now. Repeat those four phrases silently or out loud. Feel the shift.


Step 3: Anchor Yourself in the Now

Here’s the thing: we can only experience life in the present moment. Everything else is just our imagination. But when we’re stuck holding onto grudges, we’re living in the past—and that’s robbing us of our power to create the experiences we truly desire.

One of my favourite ways to anchor into the now is through my 5-Minute Sweary AF Meditation Series. These quick meditations are perfect for when you need a reset to bring your focus back to the present moment, where past hurts can no longer touch you.

Deep breath in: peace. Exhale: bullshit. Land in the here and now.

And if you’re looking for more tools to help you stay present, I highly recommend Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. It’s a game-changer for understanding the true power of this moment.


Why Letting Go Isn’t About Forgetting

Letting go of grudges isn’t about forgetting the past—it’s about freeing yourself to enjoy a life unburdened by old pain. Every moment you spend holding onto resentment is a moment of peace you’re denying yourself. And here’s the kicker: there’s only room for one experience in the now. So why not choose wisely?

When you find yourself stuck in a story that’s already run its course, shake it off, practice Ho’oponopono, and dive into practices that bring you back to the present moment. Back to your power. Back to your purpose.


Your Turn: Take Action and Feel the Shift

This week, I challenge you to try one (or all!) of these techniques:

  1. Shake it off the next time you feel weighed down by resentment.
  2. Practice Ho’oponopono to cultivate forgiveness and compassion.
  3. Use a quick meditation or mindfulness practice to anchor yourself in the now.


Let it Go and Let me KNOW How it Goes

Let me know how it goes! I’d love to hear about your experiences with letting go. Share your wins, your challenges, or even your favourite swear word (because sometimes that’s the most cathartic part).

And if you’re ready to dive deeper into this conversation, check out the full podcast episode, Let That Shit Go: 3 Powerful Techniques to Release Grudges. It’s packed with even more insights and tools to help you step into the freedom and joy that’s waiting for you.

If you’re craving more tools to create healthy, happy relationships rooted in emotional intelligence and authentic connection, I’ve got you covered. My book, Love, Unstuck: Creating Healthy, Happy Relationships through Self-Love, Emotional Intelligence, and Authentic Connection, is your roadmap to building connections that thrive—whether it’s with your partner, your family, your friends, or even yourself. It’s all about breaking free from old patterns, embracing vulnerability, and creating the kind of love that celebrates you in all your messy, beautiful glory.

If you’re not already part of the community, I’d love for you to join me on Create Your Happy. It’s where I share stories, insights, and inspiration to help you live, love, and grow authentically. Together, let’s create a life that’s unburdened by the past and full of possibility.

You deserve the freedom and peace that comes when you let go of what no longer serves you. So, take a deep breath, shake it off, and step into the power of the present moment.

I love you! Now let’s go do some epic shit, shall we?

Christy xo

Tune into the full episode here:

Additional Resources

Sweary AF Meditation Series: Need a quick emotional reset? Check out my five-minute sweary meditation series. Perfect for when you need to bring your focus back to the here and now. Access it here.

Breaking Free From Anxiety & Overwhelm: Empowering Strategies for Thriving in Life Video: Tired of feeling overwhelmed? Join me as we tackle it head-on in this video resource. Learn practical, no-BS strategies to transform from merely surviving to absolutely thriving! Watch it here

The Power of Now Book: Enhance your understanding of the importance of living in the present with Eckhart Tolle’s “The Power of Now.” Order on Amazon US or Amazon Canada

Additional resources and offerings


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Listen/ Watch

S3E21 | Let that Shit Go: 3 Powerful Techniques to Release Grudges

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Hi! I’m Christy…

AKA The Happiness Hussy

As the one and only Happiness Hussy and Love Guide (Mentor) for living your best life, my focus is on helping you to find the truth and love within in order to consciously create the happy life, love and legacy that you desire and deserve!

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